Meals & Drinks

1. Guest Tavern

We believe that food is the taste and the feeling that leaves behind memories that bring laughter, love, and life close to our hearts. Whether it is for breakfast, lunch or dinner, We indulge you in a wide variety of local and international cuisines.

Best part is that we also indulge you in Asian and continental cuisines from our highly trained and talented chefs. #Experiencethedifference

2. Esian Bar and Restaurant

Our Esian Bar and Restaurant is one home to many fond memories for us and our clients. Here we aim to make merry and live life in its best form. You will find great ambience, tranquility, and a sense of free spirit.

The Bar is full of variety and the restaurant is a whole case of delicacies both of local and international servings.

Looking for a place to cool off and just have a good time. We’ve got you covered. We organize themed nights coupled with great music. #Experiencethedifference

3. Sports Bar

We are very keen on personalized experiences. We have the perfect space for our sports fans, showing all major sporting events, as well as a fantastic atmosphere and a delicious selection of drinks and food. More importantly, the spacious bar is completely fitted with HD screens.

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